Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day


It's been a while. Better late than never. Who knows? Maybe one day I will actually use this blogspot more regularly. Anywhoo...


This year I am a full-fledged adult! I graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude. My daughter got to see her daddy walk the stage. Both Jamy and her momma were proud like a muh!

I am emplyed with LA Fitness as a "Training Assistant Manager". I had to step down to personal trainer, though, because of current finances. It actually worked out for the best because I didn't realize how much I really miss personal training until I landed this job.

I am also substitute teaching. I have my first assignment tommorow morning; 3rd grade in Mrs. Mitchell at Jamy's school. Wish me luck. Shouldn't be too bad since I volunteer as a Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) pretty often.

Well, thanks for keeping my blog Blogspot active. Toodles!