Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All Hail Obama!

This truly is a historic day! We are welcoming the first non-white male to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This is no small event. MLK thought it would take 25 years. He was off by a few years, but he, among others, gave their lives to see this day. Congratulations my fellow Americans. We are evolving.

(Maybe now we can finally put Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to pasture. THAT, would be something to celebrate!)

However, I am sickened by all of the Obama worship! Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea people! Obama...is...just...a...dude. I've had it up to here with the school girl fawning by the mass media, not to mention the masses. No man deserves this kind of adulation; especially considering one that has not accomplished a darn thing.

Yes, becoming Mr. President is a great feat. I'll give him that. Otherwise, what has he done? He's the husband of one wife and the father of two children. For that he deserves much respect, but worship...no.

Then there's the merchandising. Holy crap, there's a lot of Obama crap out there (and not just the stuff that spewed from his mouth, pre-election ).This week Target started selling Back Obama trading cards! Seriously, trading cards?
Are you freaking kidding me! Only the Beatles could rival this kind of hoopla. At least the Beatles could live up to the hype. Yeah, I said it.
This country is run by the president, the congress, and the judiciary. It is a trinity. Together, they run the family business. Obamamaniacs seem to think that the "Golden One" is going to change everything; Obama will make things right. What they fail to realize is that the president has limited powers.
CONGRESS has been responsible for a lot of what has gone wrong for the past few years. A Congress controlled by the Democrats, no less.These are the folks we need to really pay attention to. Even more so, we need to pay attention to whom we elect to city council, mayor, governor, and the like. These are the folks who personally effect our lives.
One thing Obama does have carte blanche (excuse my French) with is foreign affairs. I pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost that Obama makes wise decisions in this arena. I pray that he makes the right decisions, ones that are right for America. Even ones that further hurt our popularity.
I've always said that Barack Obama may turn out to be the best president that America has ever had. Duh! The better he does at his job the better off our country will be. Therefore, I wish our new prez, may I call him prez, all the best.
Hail to the new Chief!

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